2021 in review
In the past year we’ve been working hard to establish International Senior Concepts – your main address for fun, educative play concepts for the elderly which stimulate, inspire and help maintain their memory and cognitive abilities in a fun way. By providing games and entertainment which can be enjoyed both independently and with caregivers or visiting family members, we hope to create more social connection and to contribute to a happier life for our older generation!
Throughout the year we’ve taken big steps and have reached important milestones we proudly look back on:
- In May, we’ve received delegations from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Shanghai to discuss eldercare and the value our play concepts can provide
- In July, our ISC website was launched in the Netherlands as well as worldwide
- In August our first test project with Woonzorgcentrum Hanzeborg in the Netherlands took place, which allowed the elderly to be introduced to our play concepts
- In October ISC took part in our first trade fair; the Jiangsu International Senior Care Service Expo 2021 in China
- In October we’ve also set up our first ISC donation campaign for care farm De Molenschut in the Netherlands
Together we can create a happier life for our elderly
In the new year, we want to further convey our passion for play and ensuring a happy old age. Our interactive play table makes it possible to stimulate the mind with brand new and nostalgic puzzles and board games. By playing games and having fun together, the elderly get the chance to smile together, to learn from each other and to have nice chats around the table. We’ve also created play concepts that stimulate movement and exercise in a fun, safe and accessible way so the elderly can stay fit as a part of their daily lives.
With our wide range of play concepts we want to provide a people-oriented solution for eldercare in which wellness, health and all needs are the main objective. By creating social interaction around our play concepts, we ensure connection and a happy life together. The ultimate Christmas spirit to close off 2021!
Follow us on our journey in 2022 and discover the special ambience we aspire to create with our play concepts.