ISC Mission & Vision
What is your happiest memory of playing as a child?
Perhaps it brings a smile to your face when you reminisce. This is not only the memory of playing, but also the carefree feeling that characterises young children when they can be themselves in a positive environment.
Driven by our passion for the joy of playing children, we have discovered that playing at an older age is just as valuable as playing at a younger age. Our concepts help maintain social contacts, stimulate the memory and provide energy!
It is my mission to leave an imprint around the world by creating this positive environment. Accompany us and experience the atmosphere that we create with our concepts.
Marco Lankman, CEO ISC Global

Happier elderly through an active and social life
An active life helps the elderly to stay fit, which in time will result in them feeling happier. For many elderly people, it is sometimes difficult to take the first step in this direction. With our play modules, we stimulate an active life. This can consist of various things: exercise, playing a game or getting out into the outdoors.
An active and social life is often a simple step towards a happier life and therefore a happier way of growing older.

What do we know about play?
For years, we have been researching how children play through our mother company IKC. Now, we apply this knowledge to our play concepts for the elderly. This allows the elderly to forget about time and the surroundings for a while when they are playing together in a relaxed and fun way.

A better world
Improving the world does not only start with our new generation of children. Being a child means playing, laughing, trust, creativity, non-verbal communication and being open-minded. Making the world a better place also means taking good care of the elderly who raised these younger generations.
When it comes to a sense of belonging, play is invaluable for social interaction with fellow residents. It also helps them to stay active and fit and to sharpen their memory. When developing our concept, the elderly are central to achieving the right feeling and goal.
We believe in a simplistic look-and-feel for our products. We strive to ensure that everyone around the world will be able to play safely with ISC products without too much explanation.
We are constantly innovating by improving the production process. By giving our products even more play value and user-friendliness and by constantly optimising the quality of our concepts. All to improve the value for you.
ISC is a global company that is constantly expanding its network.