Donations general terms
These terms and conditions apply to all donation campaigns by the private limited-liability company International Senior Concepts (ISC), having its registered office at De Linge 41-43 (8253 PJ) in Dronten (registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 62898469).
Art 1. Donation terms and conditions
These donation terms and conditions apply to all online donations given via www.internationalseniorconcepts.com to ISC. The donating party agrees, by making an online donation, to these general terms and conditions. ISC reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any given time.
Art 2. Rights and obligations of receiving party
Donations given to a donation campaign are used exclusively for the benefit of the donation campaign and are used exclusively for the funding of the desired play concepts. ISC takes appropriate measures in order to protect the transmission of data in the context of each donation campaign. Persons who are empowered on behalf of ISC to take notice of this data should abide to its confidentiality, with exemption of legally permissable exceptions. This is a best efforts obligation. ISC does not accept any responsibility under this obligation.
Art 3. Rights and obligations of the donating party
The donator reserves the right to obtain information about the progression of the donation campaign to which the donation is given. The donator cannot derive any rights from a donation, except that ISC will use the donation for the funding of the campaign goal. To make a donation, the donator must have reached the age of 18 years. The donator is obligated to give their correct name and identity. The donator will make the donation by making use of the resources they rightfully and legally possess and are in control of.
Art 4. Use of personal data
ISC uses the personal data provided by the donator in compliance with all the relevant rules, including in particular the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This personal data is used by ISC for the benefit of settling donations as describes in these terms and conditions. ISC does not share its data from donators with third parties.
Art 5. Final provisions
Only Dutch law applies to each donation and these donation conditions. The privacy statement that ISC uses on its website fully applies.